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cell site中文是什么意思

用"cell site"造句"cell site"怎么读"cell site" in a sentence


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  • Csf : cell site function
  • [ guangzhou hsc advisory stem cell site ] mission : love , big or small , to participate in our common
  • In a multiple systems scenario , neighboring cells include cells sites that share a common border with the home system
  • Neighbors are defined as cell sites in the serving cells geographic vicinity that may be considered as handoff candidates
  • A monthly cell - phone service bill , for instance , contains charges for leasing radio spectrum , renting cell towers and purchasing the handset , as well as the amortization of the hardware at the cell base site , the cost of interconnections among cell sites , billing expenses and network operator profit
  • [ guangzhou hsc advisory stem cell site ] is the original love qianxinan union on the basis of groups based on love , the nature of volunteer services for free , non - profit , non - governmental , non - private , in the spirit of selfless devotion to the common participation in social welfare , ruan cells literacy , advocacy , a patient sent to the most sincere gift
  • [ guangzhou hsc advisory stem cell site ] in october 2006 by the organization of the broad masses of netizens spontaneously love qianxinan union formally established , which has experienced many ups and downs , and countless days and nights of hard work , sweat , and in september 2007 draw a full stop , because jerry laoshushi to a union 99 % of the data suffer
    2006年10月在由广大网友自发组织的黔西南州爱心联盟正式成立,其间经历了很多风风雨雨,无数个日日夜夜的辛劳和汗水,在2007年9月划上了句号,因为某几粒老鼠屎让联盟99 %的数据遭殃。
用"cell site"造句  



A cell site is a site where antennas and electronic communications equipment are placed, usually on a radio mast, tower or other high place, to create a cell (or adjacent cells) in a cellular network. The elevated structure typically supports antennas, and one or more sets of transmitter/receivers transceivers, digital signal processors, control electronics, a GPS receiver for timing (for CDMA2000/IS-95 or GSM systems), primary and backup electrical power sources, and sheltering.
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